Recipe ( Makes 1 quart) :
Bananas - 3, very ripe
Whipping cream - 1 cup
Milk - 1 cup
Eggs - 2
Vanilla extract - 2 tsp
Sugar - 1/2 cup, optional
In a blender or processor, puree bananas and cream.
Stir in remaining ingredients.
Freeze in an ice-cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions.
Source: The Donvier Icecream Dessert Book by Anna Creery.
- I dont have an ice-cream maker, so I used a handmixer to whip the icecream every hour for 3 hours.
- Store in an air-tight freezer-safe container.
The Banana Icecream is on its way to the "Icecreams and Milkshakes" event at Srilekha's Me and My Kitchen along with my,

Cheesecake Icecream
Strawberry Icecream
Carrot Milkshake
Cappuccino Shake
Sharjah Shake
"CLICK : August 2008 Citrus" entry:
The first picture of Petite Orange Cake that I made earlier on is my entry to "CLICK : August 2008" themed Citrus! What could be more cirtus-y than a sponge cake which is orange flavoured with orange cream cheese frosting and topped with a slice of mandarin orange and a drizzle of melted dark chocolate!? It sits on a puddle of chocolate sauce to form a perfect, delectable and irresistible dessert. Dont forget to check out the recipe for Petite Orange Cakes.
Awards galore:
Vani of Illatharasi , EC of Simple Indian Food and Trupti of Recipe Center passed the "Brilliant Weblog" Award to me.

Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere. Here are the rules to follow :-
When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘Brilliant Weblog’. Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional). All the bloggers have wonderful work and content in their blog and all deserve to get this.
I am more than happy to pass this onto,
Laavanya of Cookery Corner
Madhuram of Eggless Cooking
Sukanya of Hot n' Sweet Bowl
Trupti of Recipe Center
Sujatha of Spicy Khazana
Maheswari of Beyond the Usual
Rachel of Tangerine's Kitchen
Trupti of Recipe Center and Sireesha of Mom's Recipes passed on the "Beautiful Site" Award and "Zpremios Dardo 2008 Best Blog Darts Thinker" Award to me.

I would love to pass these onto,
Ranji of Ranji's Kitchen Corner
Bhags of Crazy Curry
Sia of Passionate about Life n' spice
Cham of Spice-club
Laavanya of Cookery Corner
Thanks to everyone who thought about me while passing on the awards and congrats to all who received it! Enjoy your awards, girls!!
The orange cake is like a floating island! You ve a great sense of presenting JZ!
The sundae looks so cool! Well not big fan of banana flavor may be strawbe...
Congrats on ur awards and honor to pick the awards from u!
i loved the ice cream ... i had eaten this ice cream when me & shankar had been to kumarakom on a holiday .. N the click looks lovely too
That banana split looks like one out of a parlor - gorgeous... can you parcel some of that for me :) And those awards... well, I am so flattered & happy - Thank you so much.
looks tasty dessert jz..loved ur ever done presentation....good talent u have..congrates on ur awards...u deserve even more..
Wow I love the presentation though I am not a fan of banana flavoured anything..I like it just as it is...
I like the click as well..Congrats on all those deserving awards and thanks for thinking about me to pass the award :)
You rock with your wonderful presenatation skills JZ. I'm really jealous of you!
Also thank you very much for passing me the award.
Simply superb.... I wont comment on the presentation as I have did enough ;) he he .... No need to say SUN is the brightest ... so as JZ's presentation :)
You are thinking enough of this Vani, right? :)
tnaks for particpating in the event and see u in the roundup!
banana icecrean is so good and will try once! once i received ur entries i'll let u know!
Hi JZ....
Banana ice cream is my hubby's fav. Ur pic looks so tempting. Nice presentation. YUM!. Ur orange cake really rocks. Congrats on ur awards.... u really deserve them.... Thank u so much for passing me one of them....
beautiful pics JZ. and thanks for the award :)
Icecream looking yummy..orange cake is simply looking perfect..indeed nice click and congrats for all the awards
the petit cakes look beautiful! nice entry:) and congrats on the loads of awards JZ! you truly deserve them:)
Your ice cream makes me drool. Lovely presentation and congrats for all the awards.
Thank you for participating with your delectable entry.
Congratulations on your awards.
I love the colour of your picture (and the dessert, of course) fo your picture for CLICK.
OMIGAWD! The Banana Icecream and Orange cakes look absolutely stunning. Very well Done!
The sundae, the cake both are looking so delicious. Beautiful presentation as usual. Congrats on the well deserved awards.
Added you to my blogroll so that I won't miss your yummy posts.
I had loved that cake of yours, and it is indeed a terrific entry!
The petit cakes look beautiful and awesome! Gr8 entry:) and congrats on the loads of awards JZ!
Congrat's on the awards! The pictures are beautiful and the ice cream looks awesome!
After a long time i am coming here...but i hate to be welcomed by bananas...cant help it.
Congrats for all ur awards, and really appreciate u passing them on to me......didnt understand properly what the 2nd award is
Banana ice cream looks yummy JZ,reminds me of those delicious banana splits from ice-cream parlours!!Home made ice creams will always have that extra taste,right?And your click looks fabulous,the orange cake looks great!!
Click of the pic is awesome. i too made ice cream with Banana. Banana ice cream sundae is yummy.
I am dribbling on your Banana ice-cream, JZ.. Great presentation as usual! And thanks for passing me the award, dear JZ..:)
JZ,I am always fascinated by ur lovely presentation skill.U are simply superb.Love the cakes.
an award waiting for u in my blog!
a small treat for u in my blog..collect it soon :)
Congratulations on your awards...the banana ice cream looks awesome too:)
wow! yummy!
Check out my blog for this moth event and do participate in it!
First time here. You have a wonderful blog with great photos. Congrats on your awards
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